Activities | Single Matrix
Modified on: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 6:03 PMActivities consisting of "Single Matrix" allow creating various simple answer questions within the same activity.
This type of activity is divided in two areas:
A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added.
Answer options. This area may also include more answer options and/or new "Columns" that include new contents.
Setup process
- Step 1. Create the activity
- Step 2. Set up activity properties
- Step 3. Set up the wording
- Step 4. Add answer options
- Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns
Step 1. Create the activity
There are two preset templates available to add a Single Matrix activity: an empty activity or an activity where various answer options are inserted inside a table (Single matrix).
A. Activities with table format help to quickly create a series of answers organised in rows and columns (matrix). There is only 1 correct answer per column. In this case, we have used this preset to choose the location of each landmark (there is only 1 correct option, as you can see).
B. Empty activities allow us to create activities from scratch and customise them.
Step 2. Set up activity properties
After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them:
Title |
Activity title. |
Attempts |
Number of attempts available for students to find the right option. Once a student finds the right answer, attempts will expire automatically. If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). |
Competences |
This property allows choosing what skills or academic goals are achieved after completing this activity. This option is useful when the platform used to publish a unit keeps record of these data. |
Step 3. Set up the wording
1. Write the text for the question (see here).
2. Optionally, you can add more components within the question. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it within the breadcrumb trail), go to the "Add" tab and include the components you need.
Step 4. Add answer options
3. Select the text that you will find below the wording. Write its content and leave enough space to insert answer options.
4. Put the cursor over the place where you would like to add an option. Within the text editor, open the "Components" drop-down menu and select the "Single Matrix option". This option will be added to the text. Repeat the same steps with all the options you need to add.
Then, create the groups of answer options. In this example, there are two questions with 3 options within. So, we need to create two groups of sentences: Group 1, including 3 options, and Group 2, including other 3 options. In order to configure this type of options:
5. Select the option and access the "Properties" tab.
6. Select the group identifier within the "idGroup". You can use any type of indicator (a number, a letter, a word, etc.) Repeat this action with the rest of options. Please, pay attention and assign the same identifier to options included in the same group. In this case, the first three options will have a value (1), and the other three options will have another value (2).
7. After configuring the groups, select the right options for each group, access to the "Properties" tab, go to the "Correct"property and mark it as "True". In this example, correct options are the first option within Group 1 and the second option within Group 2.
Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns
Normally wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) to create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns".
Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc.
Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column".
Size |
This is the size occupied by a column inside a row. Columns can occupy 1-12 spaces. |
Offset |
This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the column, which can be visually noticed. Offset can have 1-12 spaces. |
It's the last column |
This property allows marking a column as the last column within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, so that the third column appears as the last one within the row. So, this example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. |
Use of columns allows creating complex layouts. We could create two columns within the activity we have shown as an example; each column would include a text and that would help to organise questions better.