Netex Cloud LMS Admin: What's new?
Modified on: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 4:03 PMWith the release of the new version of the Netex Cloud platform comes the improved LMS learning interface. The new content manager, LMS Admin, changes the accessibility and handling of the functionalities, incorporating other new ones, and making it easier to perform the roles of Administrator, Group Administrator and Author, as you will see throughout the articles in this section.
As an introduction, here is a review of some of these changes and improvements that will allow you to quickly get to know this new interface.
To learn more about the new LMS interface, see the articles in the LMS section.
New section layout: Contents and Trainings split
So far the main sections were distributed in one row along the top of the screen:
In the new platform, sections are now located in a drop-down menu on the left, but this is not just a change of position.
- The learning units previously known as Sprints are now called Courses, and the Channels now become Pathways.
- Content creation (Courses and Pathways) and student management (Trainings), which were previously mixed in the same sections, are now split. On the one hand, in the Contents section you can create, edit and publish all the contents, both courses and pathways. On the other hand, to manage the summon of students and check the academic data, you will have to go to Trainings.
This way, the tasks of each user role are effectively delimited. Authors will use the Content section to create the training. While Group Administrators will only need the Trainings section for their management, when creating a new one they will be shown a list of the existing contents.
Users with Administrator role will have access to both sections.
Content lists: Save views and Mass actions
Entering the Contents section you can find a display similar to the existing List view, but now with more information visible at a first glance.
- For each Course or Pathway you can see its Name, Status, if it is Visible or Hidden, if it is Evaluable... In the cogwheel on the right you can add or remove the information columns you want.
- There is a new content status, Pending, for those Courses or Pathways created that have not yet been published.
- Clicking on the eye icon in the square, on the right side, you can access the Preview Mode, a pop-up window that shows you detailed information about the content, including description, if it is gamified, the medals it awards... There you can access the editing menu. This new tool also appears in the rest of the platform listings: Trainings, Users, Medals...
- The added + New View option, at the top left, allows you to apply as many filters as you want to show only certain content, and save those filter settings to reuse them whenever you want quickly, without reselecting all the filters again. A new tab will be created at the top that you can access directly to see the content filtered by those criteria. You can create as many views as you want.
- With the flags located on the left side of each content you can make a multiple selection and perform a Mass action: change the status of several courses at once, not doing it one by one.
Content editor
The Content editor keeps the basic structure and functionality, with some interface improvements.
- The new Course/Pathway window shows a new structure to set the options in a more agile way. After creating the content, you will return to the list screen, instead of entering directly to the Editor as usually.
- It is no longer possible to edit the course or itinerary configuration from within the Editor, you must go back to the list of contents and use the three-point menu on the right-hand side.
- In the Pathway Editor, the Learning and Resources sections are now located at the top. The Trainings option is no longer visible due to the split of functionalities explained above.
As mentioned above, the Trainings are now managed from an independent section, split from the content.
- As in the Contents section, the list is composed of a series of columns with detailed information on each Training. By clicking on the cogwheel you can modify these columns, and with the eye icon in the square you can access the Preview Mode. You can also use the option + New View.
- Trainings status are marked as Open, Closed or Planned (if starting at a future date).
- The functionality Generate a QR pointing to the Training now also includes the web url, which can be copied to the clipboard.
- Within the Training you can find the new option View Course, which allows direct access to a preview of the associated content.
- The first section when entering the call is now Course structure. Students section takes us directly to the list of students who have started the training. To see the complete list of students and manage it, click on the Enrollment button.
- At the Comments section now you can filter by activity, instead of displaying all the comments received by the course.
- The last section is Summary Course Progress, which previously appeared within Students but is now a separate section, making it easier to access.
- The interface of the Pathway Trainings also changes, with a new side menu to make it easier to navigate through the different courses without jumping to another page.
Other funtionalities
- In the Users section, we can Reward students with Medals directly from the list, using the drop-down menu of the three dots on the left side.
- In the Users section also, if you access a student's page to see the list of trainings he is enrolled to, now you can filter by completion status (Completed, In Progress, Expired).
- The Badges editor is now renamed Medals, and is shown as a main section.
- In the Settings section you will find now some of the features that were previously in the netexCloud tool, such as the Look and Feel, to make it easier to manage them.
- You can jump from the LMS Admin to the LMS in the usual way, by clicking on the profile icon at the top right and selecting the Student option. To return from the manager platform, select the Learner Manager option.