Can I access the Support portal without a user?
Modified on: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 9:29 AMAs seen in other articles, to access most of the Support services you need to be registered and logged in to the portal. But if you do not have a user, can you still access the page? What actions can you perform?
As you do not have a registered user, you do not have permissions on processes, so there are only a couple of options.
If you access the Support page without logging in, the contents are displayed in the default language, which is English. To see the contents in other languages, it is necessary to register in the portal first.
Browse Solutions
Clicking on the Browse help articles button, or looking for the Solutions section in the drop-down menu at the top left, you can freely access the Support documentation, with help articles about the different tools and functionalities.
Some help content is only available to certain user groups or companies. Therefore it will not be available on this page if you access the portal without a user.
Report an Issue
Clicking on the Report an issue button you can access the form that you must fill in to open a new ticket to Support reporting a problem.
In the mandatory field Requester you must enter a valid email address. After clicking on Submit to send the request, you will receive an email with a link to create your account on the portal, so that you can follow the ticket updates.
Opening a new ticket to Support necessarily involves identifying yourself with a valid email address and registering on the portal.
Register on the Portal
Finally, you can also register directly to create your own user on the portal by clicking on the Sign up option at the top right..
This will take you to the registration form where you must fill:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email, it must be a valid email address as you will receive a link to activate the account.
Click on the Register button and check the Inbox of your email. If you do not receive the activation email, check also the Spam folder.
Creating a user on the platform does not guarantee access to all resources.