Can I access the Support portal without a user?
As seen in other articles, to access most of the Support services you need to be registered and logged in to the portal. But if you do not have a user, can you still access the page? What actions can you perform? As you do not have a registered user, you do not have permissions on processes, so there are only a couple of options. If you access the Support page without logging in, the contents are displayed in the default language, which is English. To see the contents in other languages, it is necessary to register in the portal first. Browse Solutions Clicking on the Browse help articles button, or looking for the Solutions section in the drop-down menu at the top left, you can freely access the Support documentation, with help articles about the different tools and functionalities. Some help content is only available to certain user groups or companies. Therefore it will not be available on this page if you access the portal without a user. Report an Issue Clicking on the Report an issue button you can access the form that you must fill in to open a new ticket to Support reporting a problem. In the mandatory field Requester you must enter a valid email address. After clicking on Submit to send the request, you will receive an email with a link to create your account on the portal, so that you can follow the ticket updates. Opening a new ticket to Support necessarily involves identifying yourself with a valid email address and registering on the portal. Register on the Portal Finally, you can also register directly to create your own user on the portal by clicking on the Sign up option at the top right.. This will take you to the registration form where you must fill: First Name Last Name Email, it must be a valid email address as you will receive a link to activate the account. Click on the Register button and check the Inbox of your email. If you do not receive the activation email, check also the Spam folder. Creating a user on the platform does not guarantee access to all resources.
I forgot my password
In case you do not remember your password to log in with your user in the portal, you will have to change it for a new one. It can be done quickly and easily, it is only necessary to have access to your email, and open the Support Portal in your browser. On the same home page, click on the Login option at the top right to access the login page. The portal is displayed in English as the default language. But at this point you can change it by clicking on English at the bottom of the form, and selecting the language you want from the drop-down list. If you do not remember your password, click on the Forgot Password? option to access the Reset password page. On the new page, enter in the empty box your e-mail address, the one associated with your account on the Support portal, and click the Request reset link button to reset your password. If you do not remember the email associated with your account either, you can open a ticket to the Support team from the portal without logging in. A new screen will confirm that the email with the password reset link has been sent. Now go to your email account and look in your Inbox for an email with the subject Reset Password for your Freshworks Account, sent by support@freshworks.com. If you do not receive the email in your Inbox, check your Spam folder. Clicking the Reset Password button will open the Password Reset page in our browser. The mail and the reset page will be displayed in the language set for your user. In this window, enter the new password in both fields. Keepi in mind that it must be at least eight characters long and cannot include your username or email. When finished, click on the Reset password button. A final screen confirms that you have successfully reset your password. Click on the Continue to Login button to return to the Login page, and use the new password to log in. For security reasons, you will also receive another email notifying you of the password change, the date and time and the IP from which it was made.
How do I change the language of the Support page?
The default language of the Support Portal is English. If you have not configured another language in your user profile, or if you access the page without logging in, the contents will always be displayed in English. So, how to change the language of the Support page? You must have a user in the portal and specify it in your profile. There are two ways to do this. When creating a new account When you access the Activation page to create your new user, you will see this: In addition to setting our name, password and time zone, you can specify the language in which you want to view the contents by clicking on the Language field and selecting it from the drop-down menu. Finish the process by clicking on the Activate your account button. Editing the profile If you already have an account created but you want to change the language set, you can do so by editing the preferences in your profile. To do this, log into the portal with your user, and click on your profile picture in the top left corner to drop down the menu and choose Edit profile. On the Profile page you can check the language currently selected for your account in the Language field. To change it, click on Modify Personal Information to access the Advanced Profile page. Here you can see more detailed information about your profile. To change the language, or any other settings, click the Edit profile button at the top right. This is the Profile Setup page, here you can modify any of the fields. Click on Language and int the drop-down menu select the new language you want. Finally click the Save button to save the changes. Reload the Support Portal page and you will see that the content has changed to the new selected language.
How can I ask questions or suggest improvements?
The Netex Support Portal does not only provide help for troubleshooting Issues or requesting Services. As user you may have a question that does not appear in the Solutions articles, and you need to ask. Or you simply want to suggest some improvements for the applications from your experience as a user (of course you are welcome 🙂). In the portal there is no forum as such, where you can open conversations with topics, comments... as it is not necessary. You can contact our agents directly whenever you want, through the Issues form itself. In the drop-down menu to choose the reason for the query there is an option called Not in this list, Other reason that you can use to send those doubts or suggestions. When you select it you will see that you are only required to fill in the Description field, the text box where you can write your message. Please try to be as concise and descriptive as possible when composing your message. Remember to provide as much information as possible and do not hesitate to attach any files that can help the Support technicians to understand and resolve your query in the easiest way. You can also use the Impact tag to mark the of importance of the query: Low, Medium or High. If you have any questions about the Netex Cloud platform or any of its applications, we suggest that before contacting us you check the help articles in the Solutions page, or use the platform Search box.