I forgot my password
Modified on: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 9:00 AMIn case you do not remember your password to log in with your user in the portal, you will have to change it for a new one. It can be done quickly and easily, it is only necessary to have access to your email, and open the Support Portal in your browser.
On the same home page, click on the Login option at the top right to access the login page.
The portal is displayed in English as the default language. But at this point you can change it by clicking on English at the bottom of the form, and selecting the language you want from the drop-down list.
If you do not remember your password, click on the Forgot Password? option to access the Reset password page.
On the new page, enter in the empty box your e-mail address, the one associated with your account on the Support portal, and click the Request reset link button to reset your password.
If you do not remember the email associated with your account either, you can open a ticket to the Support team from the portal without logging in.
A new screen will confirm that the email with the password reset link has been sent.
Now go to your email account and look in your Inbox for an email with the subject Reset Password for your Freshworks Account, sent by support@freshworks.com. If you do not receive the email in your Inbox, check your Spam folder. Clicking the Reset Password button will open the Password Reset page in our browser.
The mail and the reset page will be displayed in the language set for your user.
In this window, enter the new password in both fields. Keepi in mind that it must be at least eight characters long and cannot include your username or email. When finished, click on the Reset password button.
A final screen confirms that you have successfully reset your password. Click on the Continue to Login button to return to the Login page, and use the new password to log in.
For security reasons, you will also receive another email notifying you of the password change, the date and time and the IP from which it was made.