Learning Programs in LMS Admin: Content
As seen in the introductory article, Learning Programs are a new level, above courses and pathways, designed for longer-term training that users can complete step by step, over a longer period of time. And just like courses and pathways, they must first be created as new content in the corresponding section, so that the training can be created and users can be added.
In this article you will also see how to create a Learning Program and configure its pathways to mark the students's path.
Where to create a Learning Program
To create a new Learning Program, access to the LMS Admin and deploy the Contents menu on the left side. There you will see a new section called Learning Programs.

It displays an similar interface to the previous ones, when entering you can see a list of the Learning Programs already created, with a series of columns that show you the related information:
Status, it can be Published, Unpublished or Draft (not yet published).
Catalogue, as you will see below, Learning Programs can also be assigned to one or more Catalogs, so that of its members have access to it.
- Default Language, as you will see below a Learning Program can contain pathways in several languages.
Date of creation.
- Last Modification date.
- The box with the eye icon shows a Preview of the Learning Program information.
- The three-dot menu with the Options:
- Edit Learning Program Details.
Publish or Unpublish it.
Create training from this content, available if it is published.
Delete it, available if it is not published.

You also have the Search box, Open filters for content, the possibility to create a New view and apply Mass actions. For more information on these tools check the List View article.

How to create a Learning Program
To create a Learning Program click on the New learning program button at the top of the list.

A new side menu is displayed to enter the Learning program details:
Learning program name, this is the title displayed in the LMS.
Default language in which the contents will be, or most of them. This parameter is informative, it is not exclusive, as you will see below it is possible to add pathways in other languages.
Catalog/s, you can register the Learning Program in one or several existing catalogs, so that all its members have access to it.
Select badge to award a medal to the user when he completes the Learning Program.
Description, a short text presenting the content displayed in the LMS.
Add image to select the image displayed in the LMS as the background of the Learning Program carousel.
The name, language and description fields are mandatory, the rest can be left blank. Click on Save button to create the new Learning Program and it will be displayed at the top of the list.
Adding content to a Learning Program
Once you have created the Learning Program, click on it to access the Structure page.

Click on the + Add Pathway button to start adding content to your Learning Program. A side window appears with the list of the published pathways, ordered by date of modification.

You can filter the list by entering keywords in the Search box in the upper corner. Or reorder the list by Name, Status or Modification date by clicking on the header of these columns. Mark the flag on the left to select the pathway you want. You can select several ones at the same time, they will be added in the order in which you have selected them. Once you have the content selected, click on the Save button in the right corner.
Learning Programs are composed only of pathways. No courses or events can be added.
You'll go back to the Structure page where you can edit the list of pathways and set the student's progress through them.

- Clicking on the dotted lines on the left you can change the pathway position in the list, so that it is displayed earlier or later in the Learning Program carousel. This option is disabled if you add a milestone to any of the pathways, as you will see below.
- The information icon next to the name warns you that this pathway has a default language different from that of the Learning Program itself.
- Activating or deactivating the Required flag you make it mandatory to complete that pathway in order to finish the Learning Program..
- The padlock icon tells you that this pathway has one or more milestones marked, that is, in order to access it the user will have to obtain some badges or pass certain pathways before, as you will see below. The number inside the padlock represents the number of milestones that this pathway has, which you can see in a small information window if you put the pointer over it.
- Clicking on the three dots on the right you can see the options:
Manage requirements to set the milestones necessary to access that pathway, as you will see below.
Delete the pathway from the list. This option is deactivated if this pathway is marked as a milestone in order to access another one.
Setting the milestones of a Learning Program
Clicking on Manage requirements on each pathway displays a side window with the milestones options.

Awards: you can make the pathway only accessible to the user if he has achieved a certain medal in a previous training. Clicking on Select badge displays a side window with a list of all the badges available in the instance. Mark the one you want with the flag to its left and click the Save button in the right corner. Only one badge can be selected per pathway.
Pathways: you can also blocked it until the user has completed one or more of the previous pathways. In this screen you see the list of previous pathways in the list, only pathways that are before in the list can be marked (therefore the first pathway can only have a badge as a milestone). Select the flag next to them and click on the Save button in the right corner.
You can make a pathway have milestones badges and other pathways as milestones at the same time, they are not exclusive. Once you have set the milestones, go back to the Structure page and see that the pathway shows the padlock icon, and that the option to reorder the list has been disabled. In the three-dot menu in the right corner there are two other options related to milestones:

Set linear requirements: selecting this you will set a milestone in all pathways sequentially, which means, to access the next pathway the user will have to complete the previous one first. Careful, selecting this option will delete any milestone configuration you have previously marked.
Delete all the requirements: this option deletes any milestone configuration you have marked, and the Learning Program will return to its initial status.
Other options available in this menu are:
- Edit the Learning Program Details.
Publish or Unpublish the Learning Program.
Create a training directly without accessing the Trainings section. This option is active only if the Learning Program is published.
Delete the Learning Program.
Manage translations to access the multi-language window. Here you can enter the title and description of the Learning Program in other languages, to be shown to the user if he has set up the LMS in that language. This option is not shown if the Learning Program is published.
Once you have added all the contents and marked the milestones, click on the Publish button to start creating a Learning Program training.