Learning Programs in LMS
You have already created the content of the Learning Program, and then generated the Training to enroll the students. Now, how do they access this Learning Program and how is it displayed in the LMS? In a particular and more visible way than the courses and pathways, as you will see next.
Remember that a student can be enrolled in four different ways. Depending on that, the access to the content and the window displayed will change. For more information check the article on Types of Trainings.
Where to find the Learning Programs
Unlike the rest of the contents that are included in other carousels (Recommended, My Learning...), each Learning Program is shown as an independent carousel itself. Access the LMS and you will see it in the header, under the Featured slideshow. Each Learning Program carousel shows:

- The cover image.
- The content title.
- Beginning of the description.
+ See More button to open the pop-up information window.
- Number of completed pathways.
- The pathway carousel. You can scroll through them by clicking on the side arrows. Clicking on each one you can access its content. In each thumbnail you can see:
- If it is necessary to pass the patway to complete the Learning Program, it is marked with the Required banner.
- If one or more milestones need to be completed to access the pathway, it is displayed shaded and with a padlock icon.
- The progress bar shows the percentage of the pathway the user has completed.
- If the user has completed the pathway, it is shaded and marked with a check.

Clicking on the button brings up the pop-up information window that displays:
- The cover image.
- The content title and the number of pathways.
- The button to Enroll in the training (if you are not already enrolled).
- Clicking on Info you can see the dates of the training and the complete description.
- Clicking on Awards you can see the badge awarded for completing the Learning Program.
If the training administrator enrolls you in a new Learning Program, an alert will appear in your Notifications section, highlighted with a number over the profile picture.

How to complete a Learning Program
When you are enrolled in a Learnin Program, to complete it follow the same dynamics as in courses and pathways, since essentially a Learning Program is a collection of pathways, formed by courses. Go to the carousel and click on any available pathway to access the content and start the training, following the order of stages and milestones marked. Once you have completed this pathway, go back to the carousel on the main page and continue with the next one. When you have completed the required pathways, you will have passed the Learning Program and will be awarded a badge, if any.
If any of the pathways is marked with one or more milestones (shaded thumbnail and padlock icon), clicking on it will bring up a pop-up window showing the requirements to unlock it.

Once you have completed the Learning Program, it will still be shown in your LMS until the end date of the training. If it does not have any, it will continue to be displayed until the training administrator closes the training in the LMS Admin. If the Permanent access to content option is enabled, users will be able to enter and review the content even if they have already completed it.