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Share: Administrator's guide

Modified on: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 12:53 PM

Administrator's role in Share has a double feature. On the one hand, he acts as the manager of the instance, with access to all users and content, including private playlists and the ones that requires approval. In the hierarchy he is above users and authors, has full permissions to edit any publication or playlist and acts as moderator of the community. On the other hand, he has access to a particular section, a Dashboard with the most relevant data and statistics, which allows him to know first-hand the functioning of the platform and the follow-up that the contents are generating.

Apart from moderating the content, you can also consume it like any other user, and generate it like any other author. But this article will focus on how to manage this monitoring tool and take advantage of its metrics. 

Access to the Dashboard

As mentioned above, the administrator acts as user, author and moderator. He can generate his own content, and consume and edit the content of the other authors. To do so, he has access to:

  • The user sections in the left menu, where you can access the authors and their content.
  • The author sections in the right menu, where you can create your playlists and publications.

Here you will find the access to the Dashboard tool. Click here to access a page that is divided into two main sections.

Data summary

This first part of the Dashboard focuses more on data analysis regarding content creation. It is a series of graphs and tables that show you the most significant data on how the content of the instance is. Many of them are interactive graphs, if you move the mouse pointer over them, a small window with complementary information is displayed.


The first section is a pie chart that shows the total number of publications in the instance. Of these, what percentage are internal articles and what percentage are links to external resources. Clicking on the icon with the three stripes you have the option of downloading this data in SVG (vector), PNG (image) or CSV (data table) format.

The right side also informs you of two statistics: the average number of publications by playlist (number of publications / number of playlists), and the average number of comments by publications (number of comments / number of publications). The amounts are rounded to whole numbers.

Publications and Playlists


The following tables show the number of publications (left table) and number of playlists (right table) created during the last twelve months. The vertical bars reflect the content created each particular month, and the horizontal line the accumulated amount. By hovering over them you can see a popover window with the specific quantities. As in the previous section, you can download the data by clicking on the three dashes icon and selecting the file format (SVG, PNG or CVS).

Monthly visits

The following table shows the visits received by the content during the last twelve months, represented by four bars:

  1. The Accesses bar shows the number of visits in total, without distinguishing if it is the same user (3 visits from the same user count as 3).
  2. The Users bar shows the number of users who have visited the instance (3 visits from the same user count as 1).
  3. The Publications bar shows the number of visits the publications have received (without distinguishing if it is the same user or if he repeats the same publication).
  4. The Playlists bar shows the number of visits they have received (without distinguishing if it is the same user or if he repeats the same playlist).

As in the previous sections, you can download the data by clicking on the icon with the three stripes and selecting the file format.

Top tags by followers

Here you can see the tags that have more following. On the left side you see a list with the five top tags that appear in more playlists and have more followers. If you click on each one of them a side window with the list of the Playlists that contain them and the Users that follow them is displayed. At the top of the list is the button SEE ALL, if you click on it another side window is displayed with the button DOWNLOAD CSV in the upper corner, to download this data in a file (only the first 50 results of the list will be downloaded).

On the right side there is a treemap showing the presence of the 15 most used tags in the playlists. The biggest ones are present in the largest number of playlists, you can hover the mouse pointer over them to see the exact number in a popover window. As in the top five, clicking on any of them displays the window with the playlists and users in particular.

Popular content and authors

This second part of the Dashboard focuses more on the popularity and following of the content. It consists of four carousels showing the most relevant items in terms of playlists, publications and authors. Each one shows the ten most relevant results, which can be scrolled by dragging with the mouse. Clicking on the SEE ALL button displays a side window showing the complete list, and the DOWNLOAD CSV button to save the data to a file on your computer.

Popular playlists

This first carousel shows the top 10 most popular playlists, sorted by number of subscribers. Clicking on any of the thumbnails, or on the list entries in SEE ALL, you can access the playlist page.

Most commented publications

The second carousel shows the top 10 most popular publications, sorted by number of comments. As in the previous one you can access the complete list with the SEE ALL button, and clicking on any of the entries takes you to the page of the publication. You can also click on the dialog icon in each of them to see the list of comments in a side window.

Popular and most active authors

The last two carousels show you the most popular authors, sorted by number of subscribers, and the most active ones, sorted by the amount of playlist and publications created. As in the previous carousels you can access directly to the authors' pages, and to the complete list with the button SEE ALL.

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