What is Share?
Give your influencers a voice At Netex we believe that talent exists in all organizations and at all levels. Detecting and empowering this talent, providing them with the necessary tools so that their knowledge permeates the rest of the company is the goal of Share through playlists. This tool has the ability to make it possible for anyone in the organization to quickly create content, based on the same types of formats we use in our day-to-day work, and make it permanently available to the rest of the company and future incorporations. Detect knowledge and expand it in the organization Share is a loudspeaker for the organization's experts, relevant values that can easily share all kinds of training content through thematic playlists, to which other users can subscribe and follow. The idea is to implement a culture of continuous learning with relevant, updated and easily accessible information. Generated by the talents themselves, so that there is a personal criterion behind everything and it is not generated by an algorithm. Share is also integrated with the rest of the Netex Cloud suite, connected with other tools such as LMS to offer a joint experience. Although it can also work independently, it is accessible in any browser, adapts to any device, and has an app version for IOS and Android. Playlist, created by people for people Share is organized around Playlists, a list of resources (videos, external links, posts, attached files...) related to a topic of interest, curated and organized by a value of the organization, its author: Collects resources of interest. Organizes them around a theme, classifies the publications and tags playlists. Shares them with whoever he wants, he decides if it will be a private playlist, if he shares it with the whole organization, or just a few users. Anyone can create a playlist and start sharing content in minutes. And keep it updated easily by adding and deleting publications such as new developments, new processes, trends... thereby installing a culture of continuous learning in organizations, with relevant, updated, attractive and easily accessible information. Through playlists, training resources selected by the authors are shared, encouraging the active participation of the rest of the followers. And new talents can be discovered, giving them the tools to participate and create these knowledge dynamics. Three roles involved Share is developed through the participation of three types of roles, which complement each other: Users, are the consumers of content, recipients of playlists. Everyone is a Share user, including the other two roles. Authors, in addition to being content consumers, they also create new content through their own playlists and generate this continuous dynamic of knowledge exchange. But they don't have to be just a couple of designated people, everyone can become an author. Administrators, in addition to having the ability to consume and create content, can access playlist tracking statistics and moderate the community. To learn more in depth about the dynamics of Share and what each role can do, you can check the articles on this section.
Share: User's guide
The user role in Share is designed for a tailored learning experience. He can shape the application according to his preferences: subscribe to his favorite playlists, keep the posts he finds interesting and follow authors whose content catches his attention. This experience is based on exploring, discovering new content through what Share makes available to him. The application shows you all the playlists you can access, both public and subject to approval by their authors. And it suggests other new authors from the organization for you to discover new references. In addition to accessing the content, the user can give his opinion to the rest of the community, or directly send a message to the author himself. Throughout this article you will discover what this user experience is like and what tools are available. Navigation Navigation through the different sections of Share is done through the menu on the left side of the screen. There you can see the different sections of which the platform is composed, click on each one to access them. At the top, the icon of the three stripes makes the menu fold in the form of icons to leave more space for the content. Next to it there is another icon of a magnifying glass. Click on it to access the search tool, entering keywords you can find the contents you want. The search engine searches in titles, descriptions and topics. At the bottom, the results appear separated into three tabs: publications, playlists and users. Click on each of the buttons to access them. There is also a Filters tool, clicking on it opens a side tab to order the results by Newest, Oldest, Most commented or Most viewed. In the right corner you can see the user profile icon, clicking on it opens a side tab to access the Notifications list and My apps in Netex Cloud, or Logout to exit the platform. New Entering Share, the first section you access is the New section. It shows all the publications of the playlists to which you are subscribed in order of publication, the most recent first. Here you can keep up to date with new content, and access and interact directly with the content. If you are not yet following any playlist a banner invites you to move to the next section. Discover The most interesting section of Share, especially when you are just getting to know the platform, is Discover. Displays all the playlists to which you have access, both public and those that requires approval by the author. You can distinguish the latter because they have the Private banner in the thumbnail. The list is sorted by relevance, the ones with the highest number of subscribers are shown first. But clicking on the Filters tool displays a side window with other options such as Order by Newest or Title, or Filter by the Languages of the playlist or the Topics with which it was tagged. Clicking on any of the playlists you can enter it. Public playlist In the public playlist the author allows that any user can view the publications, even without being subscribed. In the playlist you can see: The cover image. The author, clicking here you can access to his profile page. The title. The number of subscribers. The number of publications. The button to Subscribe, if you do so, the new publications will appear in your New section. You can Cancel subscription at any time, returning to this page and clicking on the button of the three dots you will see this option. The Information button opens a pop-up window with the description and the topics. The publications, clicking on them you can access the content. Publications A Share publication, as in social networks, can be content of many types: a video, an audio, a document, an external link... or even an article written by the author himself. In the thumbnail you can see some preview information: the header image, the title, an introductory description, and the author and the date it was published. At the bottom you also have some options: Comments displays a side window where you can leave your opinion about the content for the author and other users to see. You can also see what others have written. Comments can be Edited or Deleted. Saved for later, if you do not have time to view the publication, or simply want to save it, click here to add it to that section. Subscribe to the playlist of the publication if you are not following it yet. This way the new content will appear in the New section. Follow author to save him in the Favorite authors section. This way you will be notified every time a new playlist is published by him. Write to the author displays a side window to send a private message to the author, once sent it can not be edited or deleted. Private Playlist In the private playlists you can only see the preview information, you have to request access to the author to see the publications. As with public playlists, you can see the cover page, the author, the title, the number of subscribers and publications, and the information window. But the publications area is hidden, you must click on the Request access button to send a request to the author. When the author approves it, you will receive a notification and you will be able to start enjoying the content. You can Cancel the request returning to this page and clicking on the three dots button, then you will see this option. Subscriptions In this section you can see all the playlists you are following, click on them to access the content. By default the playlists are sorted alphabetically. Clicking on the icon of the three stripes next to the header, a side window is displayed to Order by Newest, Title or Relevance (more subscribers). Saved for later Here are saved the publications you have marked as Saved for later. They are sorted by date of publication, if you want to remove any from the list you click again on the icon at the bottom of the publication. Favorite authors This is a shortcut to your favorite authors, a list of those you are following, in alphabetical order. If you click on the See all... section, in addition to your Favorite authors, you can see a list of All authors in the platform. Clicking on any of them you can access the information about him. Author Access an author's information page by searching him in the list, or clicking on his name in the header of a playlist. Here you can see: The profile picture. The author's name. The number of followers he has. The number of publications he has made. The + Follow button. The author will be added to your list of Favorite authors and you will be notified every time he publishes a new playlist. You can Unfollow him at any time by returning to his information page and clicking on this same button. The list of Publications and Playlists he has created. To switch from one to another, click on the buttons. The icon with the three stripes on the left displays a side window to Order the list by Newest, Title or Relevance (more subscribers). Favorite topics Each time an author creates a new playlist he assigns a series of tags that describe the topic. As user you can mark the topics you want as favorites to access here to all the playlists that have this tag, and receive a notification each time a new one is published. Clicking on any of the topics in the menu you can see all the related playlists. If you want to add or remove topics from the list click on See all... A side window is displayed with: The Clear button to delete all the topics you have marked as favorites. This action cannot be undone. The topics you are following, click on the X to stop following them. The rest of the topics, click on any of them to start following it. The Search... bar to filter among the topics you are not following yet. Integration with LMS Besides Share, if you are using LMS, you will see that both tools are integrated to offer quick access to new playlists and publications. On the LMS's home page, if you scroll down you will see two new carousels: News from your subscriptions, which displays the content of the New section. Clicking on any of the thumbnails takes you to the content of the publicatio. Discover playlist, which shows the content of the Discover section. Clicking on any of the thumbnails takes you to the playlist in Share.
Share: Author's guide
The author role in Share is in charge of creating content and generating this dynamic of knowledge exchange. Any user can become an author, both the most influential experts in the organization and the emerging values that want to contribute their knowledge. Doing so is very simple through playlists, lists of resources (videos, external links, articles, documents...) related to a topic of interest. They can be easily created, similar to posting on other social networks, and kept up to date by continuously adding and editing publications. In addition, the authors have control of their content at all times, they decide what they publish and who can see it, and they are in contact with the rest of the users, their followers, to receive feedback. Apart from creating content, authors can also consume it like other users. But this article will focus on the tools available to them to publish. Navigation The user's guide show that the sections to access the content are located in the menu on the left side of the screen. The author also has access to them, but the tools he will use to publish his own content are on the right. The most important is the + Publish button in the top corner, click there to add a new resource to any of your playlists. And if you click on the user profile icon you will see there are also new sections in the side tab, such as My publications, My playlists, My followers... that you will use to edit and organize your content. My playlists The first step to start publishing is to create a playlist, you cannot post a publication without assigning it to an existing playlist. To do this, go to the user menu and click on the My playlists section to access the author space, where you can manage and track your content. You can see here your information as it will be shown to other users: Profile picture. User name. Number of Followers, users who directly follow your profile (they receive publication notifications). Total number of Publications in your playlists, including private ones (only the author can see them). Customize space button, click here to choose, change or delete your cover image. Order by, click to organize your content list by Newest, Title or Relevance (most followers). My publications, My playlists and My followers, use these buttons to navigate between these three sections, same way as in the user menu. New playlist button. Click here to display a new side window. Here you set the details of the new playlist, the fields marked with an asterisk are required: Cover image. Name. Description, it is displayed when the user clicks on the Information button of the playlist. Tags, you can tag the playlist with related topics so that users can find it more easily using the Topics tool. If the tag has already been used in other playlists it will appear in a drop-down list. To remove a tag, click on the X next to it. Languages in which the contents of the playlist will be available, you can select one or several. Remember that in the Discover page, users can filter by language the playlists they want to explore. Visibility to set how the playlist access will be: Public: any user can view the playlist information, access its publications and start following it without the author's approval. Requires approval: any user can view the playlist information, but can't access the publications until the author approves their request. This kind of playlist show a Private label on the thumbnail. Private: only the author himself can see and access the playlist. You can use this option to keep the playlist hidden until you decide to publish it, or simply having a private list of contents. This kind of playlist show a Private label in the thumbnail. An author can create as many playlists as he wants. To edit their settings or delete them, access the playlist itself and click on the three dots button to select Edit or Delete. My publications Once you have created a playlist, you can publish content by clicking on the + Publish button in the right corner. A side window opens with two options: Share link: to publish a link to an external resource (web page, video, document...). Write an article: to create your own publication through a simple WYSIWYG editor. Share link Clicking on this option opens a new side window. Enter here the link to the resource and click Next. You will access a new window where you can edit the publishing details: Cover image. If the external resource has an image it is imported automatically, but you can also delete it or change it by clicking on the buttons. Name, title for the publication. Content, description displayed under the title of the publication. It is also imported directly from the resource, but can be modified. Choose a Playlist where the new publication will be added. Click on the Publish button in the right corner to add the new publication. Write an article In addition to external resources you can also publish an internal article, within Share. To do this select the Write an article option to access a new page where you can edit the publication: Add a cover image, if you do not choose any, the default image is shown. Name the article. Use the WYSIWYG editor to add the content of the article. You can format the text, add tables, images and multimedia files, or edit the content in HTML code. You can also add attached files (any format, maximum 40Mb) that the user can download. Click on the window and select it from your computer, or drag it to it. Below appears a list with the files already attached, to delete any of them click on the trash can icon. Finally Choose a playlist as in the previous case, and click on the Publish button. Edit a publication To modify any of your publications in the profile menu or in the author space click on My Publications. Look for the publication in the list and click on the three dots in the lower right corner. You will see the options Edit, which brings you back to the editing window of the publication, and Delete to erase it permanently. My followers Clicking on My followers section in the profile menu or author space takes you to a list of all users currently following you. If any of them is also an author, you will see his number of publications under his profile picture. Click on it to access his author space, see his content and start following him. Requests If you have any playlist that Requires approval, click on this section to see the list of requests you have received. Next to each one there is an option to Accept and give access to the user, or Ignore to reject the request and make it disappear from the list. In both cases the action cannot be undone. Messages If any user sends you a private message through one of your publications, you will find it in this section. Besides the message you can see the name of the user, the publication through which it was sent and the date it was sent. Notifications As an author you can receive several notifications related to your content: When a user starts following you. When a user requests access to a playlist subject to approval. When a user comments on one of your publications. When a user sends you a private message.
Share: Administrator's guide
Administrator's role in Share has a double feature. On the one hand, he acts as the manager of the instance, with access to all users and content, including private playlists and the ones that requires approval. In the hierarchy he is above users and authors, has full permissions to edit any publication or playlist and acts as moderator of the community. On the other hand, he has access to a particular section, a Dashboard with the most relevant data and statistics, which allows him to know first-hand the functioning of the platform and the follow-up that the contents are generating. Apart from moderating the content, you can also consume it like any other user, and generate it like any other author. But this article will focus on how to manage this monitoring tool and take advantage of its metrics. Access to the Dashboard As mentioned above, the administrator acts as user, author and moderator. He can generate his own content, and consume and edit the content of the other authors. To do so, he has access to: The user sections in the left menu, where you can access the authors and their content. The author sections in the right menu, where you can create your playlists and publications. Here you will find the access to the Dashboard tool. Click here to access a page that is divided into two main sections. Data summary This first part of the Dashboard focuses more on data analysis regarding content creation. It is a series of graphs and tables that show you the most significant data on how the content of the instance is. Many of them are interactive graphs, if you move the mouse pointer over them, a small window with complementary information is displayed. Publications The first section is a pie chart that shows the total number of publications in the instance. Of these, what percentage are internal articles and what percentage are links to external resources. Clicking on the icon with the three stripes you have the option of downloading this data in SVG (vector), PNG (image) or CSV (data table) format. The right side also informs you of two statistics: the average number of publications by playlist (number of publications / number of playlists), and the average number of comments by publications (number of comments / number of publications). The amounts are rounded to whole numbers. Publications and Playlists The following tables show the number of publications (left table) and number of playlists (right table) created during the last twelve months. The vertical bars reflect the content created each particular month, and the horizontal line the accumulated amount. By hovering over them you can see a popover window with the specific quantities. As in the previous section, you can download the data by clicking on the three dashes icon and selecting the file format (SVG, PNG or CVS). Monthly visits The following table shows the visits received by the content during the last twelve months, represented by four bars: The Accesses bar shows the number of visits in total, without distinguishing if it is the same user (3 visits from the same user count as 3). The Users bar shows the number of users who have visited the instance (3 visits from the same user count as 1). The Publications bar shows the number of visits the publications have received (without distinguishing if it is the same user or if he repeats the same publication). The Playlists bar shows the number of visits they have received (without distinguishing if it is the same user or if he repeats the same playlist). As in the previous sections, you can download the data by clicking on the icon with the three stripes and selecting the file format. Top tags by followers Here you can see the tags that have more following. On the left side you see a list with the five top tags that appear in more playlists and have more followers. If you click on each one of them a side window with the list of the Playlists that contain them and the Users that follow them is displayed. At the top of the list is the button SEE ALL, if you click on it another side window is displayed with the button DOWNLOAD CSV in the upper corner, to download this data in a file (only the first 50 results of the list will be downloaded). On the right side there is a treemap showing the presence of the 15 most used tags in the playlists. The biggest ones are present in the largest number of playlists, you can hover the mouse pointer over them to see the exact number in a popover window. As in the top five, clicking on any of them displays the window with the playlists and users in particular. Popular content and authors This second part of the Dashboard focuses more on the popularity and following of the content. It consists of four carousels showing the most relevant items in terms of playlists, publications and authors. Each one shows the ten most relevant results, which can be scrolled by dragging with the mouse. Clicking on the SEE ALL button displays a side window showing the complete list, and the DOWNLOAD CSV button to save the data to a file on your computer. Popular playlists This first carousel shows the top 10 most popular playlists, sorted by number of subscribers. Clicking on any of the thumbnails, or on the list entries in SEE ALL, you can access the playlist page. Most commented publications The second carousel shows the top 10 most popular publications, sorted by number of comments. As in the previous one you can access the complete list with the SEE ALL button, and clicking on any of the entries takes you to the page of the publication. You can also click on the dialog icon in each of them to see the list of comments in a side window. Popular and most active authors The last two carousels show you the most popular authors, sorted by number of subscribers, and the most active ones, sorted by the amount of playlist and publications created. As in the previous carousels you can access directly to the authors' pages, and to the complete list with the button SEE ALL.
Share Glossary
Here is a list of the most common terms used in Share, and in articles describing their use: Term Description Administrator Role with full editing and creation permissions Aministration space Interface with application administration functions, with role-controlled access Article Name of a publication in which the user creates a content with body Assign In managed by administrator playlists, which users or groups can find it Author Role with permissions to create playlists and publications, limited according to visibilities and companies Catalogue Grouping that links companies with authors Comments Option in the publication to add public comments that can be seen by other users with access to it Company Organizational subdivision. In Global Admin they are modeled as groups with the established organization property Dashboard Usage metrics dashboard, with access controlled by roles Discover Space where the playlists to which the user has visibility to subscribe are displayed Follow / Follower Users can view authors and start following them for quick access to their profiles Group Non-exclusive groupings of Global Admin users Group Administrator User property indicating that he is the administrator of the companies in which he is included Link Name of a publication which is a link to an external site Manage visibility In managed by administrator playlists, select the users and groups that can find it Managed by administrator Concerning the visibility of a playlist, the administrator defines who can find it and see its publications Messages Authors and administrators space where private messages that other users have sent in relation to a publication are displayed Multi-organization Customer property indicating that it is organized in sub-companies New Space where the publications of the playlists to which the user is a subscriber are displayed Notifications Space where the alerts received about answers to comments, access requests... are displayed Only for me / Only for author Concerning the visibility of a playlist, only the author and the administrator will be able to find it Playlist Grouping of publications Private Tag displayed on playlists that requires approval to distinguish them from others Public Concerning the visibility of a playlist, all users can find it and view its contents Publication Generic name for authors' creations Request access User request to be able to view a playlist that requires approval Requests Author and administrator space where users' requests for access to playlists that requires approval are displayed, and where they can accept or reject them Requires approval Concerning the visibility of a playlist, users can find it and request access, but they will not see its content until the author accepts the request Saved for later Users' space where they can see the publications they have marked with See later See later Option for users to save publications so that they appear in the Saved for later section Subscribe / Subscriber Users can subscribe to a playlist to view your publications in New Tag Terms that can be associated with playlists to indicate their content Topic Set of playlists containing a specific tag User Role with access permissions, limited according to visibilities and companies User space Main interface where you can see playlists, publications, topics and authors Visibility Set of users who can find a playlist and its publications Write to author Option in the publications to send a private message to the author about the publication
Admin panel and Playlists managed by admin
Two new features have been introduced in Share, focused on the administrator's work. On the one hand, a new visibility option for playlists, which can be managed by the administrator. A playlist with restricted access where the administrator, instead of the author, decides which users can see it. And on the other hand, a new portal within Share is created, the Admin panel, where this users will be able to manage the new playlists and check an improved interface on the Dashboard. Playlists managed by admin So far you had three types of visibility for a playlist: Public, visible to any user Only for author, visible only to him Requires approval, the user requests access and the author approves it or not Now there is also the option Managed by admin, where he decides directly who has access to the playlist or not, without the need for users to request it previously. It is a playlist created by an administrator where, in addition to managing the contents, he can register or remove any user. These playlists are created in the usual way, selecting the new visibility type. Their contents are also managed in the same way, in the My posts and My playlists sections. What changes is the management of followers, for which you have to access the new Admin panel. A playlist managed by admin can only be created and curated by users with administrator role. Admin panel In the profile menu on the right side there is a new access called Admin panel. Clicking on it you access a new space where the administrator can: view and manage the followers, in the Playlists section check the dashboard with all the tracking data in the Activity summary section To access the Admin panel it is necessary to have administrator permissions. Playlists This section shows a list of all the playlists in the instance, including those that the author has created just for himself (private). You can use the search box to filter by keywords, or change the order of the list by clicking on any of the columns: Name of the playlist Visibility type Author Available Languages Creation date Last modification date the info icon shows a side panel with the data (description, tags, views...) the three dots give access to the options menu Clicking on this menu you can: Edit the playlist data change the Visibility type Delete the playlist (this action cannot be reversed) In order to manage the users of a Public playlist or a Requires approval playlist, first you have to change the type of visibility to Managed by admin. Clicking on any playlist you access a new interface where you can see: the Publications of the playlist, can be sort by type (link or article), creation or last modification dates, and number of views or comments the Subscribers all the Comments published in the playlist, which you can sort by author, date, or the publication they belong to. At the top you can search for keywords in the content, or show only the comments for a particular publication If the visibility of the playlist is Managed by admin, you will see the Manage visibility button at the top. Here you can manage the followers of a playlist the same way as in the LMS trainings. Enrollment through groups or CSV file is also available. The enrollment can be: optional, the playlist will only appear in the Discover section of the User panel. It is a way of suggesting the user to follow the playlist, without necessarily subscribing him mandatory, the user is directly subscribed and the playlist's publications will appear in his New section No user will be able to see the playlist or find it with the search engine of the User panel until he is subscribed. Clicking on the flag next to each user shows the option to Delete him from the list. A mandatory enrolled user who decides to unsubscribe on his own is no longer displayed in the Subscribers tab, but will still appear in the Manage visibility list. Activity summary This section displays a complete dashboard with content tracking data, similar to the Dashboard of the User panel. The difference is that here you can see more detailed listings of the most popular authors and playlists, and the most active publications and authors. The tables show the top five in each category, and clicking on See all you can access the entire list. The new admin panel is only available in the online version of Share, it can not be accessed through the mobile app.
Filter playlists in the Admin Panel
A new feature was added to Share that makes it easier to manage playlists from the Admin Panel. From now on you can filter the list of results by different categories, which is especially useful if you manage a large number of playlists. This tool is similar to the filters available in LMS, and joins the search box and the possibility to sort the results by categories. The available categories are: Tags, type keywords and select the tag from the results. You can filter by one or several. Visibility, choose one or more playlist states. Language, select one or more languages. Author, type the author's name and select it from the results. You can filter by one or several. Creation date, choose a date (show results before or after) or a range of dates. Title, type one or several keywords included in the playlist title. Description, type one or more keywords included in the playlist description. After choosing the options, click on Apply filters to see the result. At the top of the list you can see the applied filters in labels. To remove the filters you can click on the X in each label, or return to the menu and click on Remove filters.
Collaborative playlists
Collaborative playlists are lists of content curated or managed by more than one author. In Share any playlist can be collaborative. This way, by having several curators, the work of keeping it updated is shared, it is easier to add new content and keep the playlist more active. Manage authors Adding or removing authors from a playlist is only available to the authors of the playlist itself, and to the administrators. As an author To manage the authors of a playlist, click on your profile picture to access the user side menu and go to My playlists section. Find the playlist you want and access it. The collaborative playlists have the label Multiple authors under the title. In the playlist page you can also see the label Multiple authors above the title, next to the profile pictures of the first two authors. Clicking here displays a side menu with the list of authors, and the number of publications of each one in the playlist. Click on Manage authors to add or remove authors. You can also access from the playlist page, by clicking on the three dots menu and Manage authors. The Owner of the playlist appears first. This user cannot be deleted by any other author, only an administrator can do it if he/she transfers the ownership tag to another author first. By default the owner is the creator of the playlist, but it can be transferred to any other author of the playlist. Click on Add to add new authors. You will see a list with the rest of the authors of the instance, you can choose one or several. The selected ones appear at the top, we can deselect them by clicking on the X over their profile. Click on Add to add the selection. Back in the authors management, click on the Remove button next to the profile of any author to delete them from the playlist. As an administrator To manage the authors of a playlist, click on your profile picture to access the user side menu and go to the Admin panel. Look for the playlist you want and access it. The collaborative playlists have the label Multiple authors in the Author column, next to the profile pictures of the first two authors. In the Authors tab you can see the list of authors that belong to the playlist. Click on the checkbox next to them to select them, at the top of the list there is a Delete option to remove them from the playlist. If you select only one author you will also see the option Become owner to change the ownership of the playlist. Clicking the Add author button displays the list with the rest of the authors of the instance, you can choose one or several. Click on Save to add the selection. FAQ If an author is removed from a collaborative playlist, are his/her publications also removed? As long as a user is the author of a collaborative playlist, he/she can access it and add publications. If the administrator or another author removes him/her from the playlist, he/she will no longer have access but his/her publications will remain (with the author's name), until they are manually removed by the administrator or the owner. If an author is removed from a collaborative playlist, can he/she continue editing his/her publications? As long as a user is an author of a collaborative playlist, he/she will be able to edit his/her publications in it. If he/she is removed, he/she will be able to continue editing his/her publications (from My publications) but will not be able to modify the playlist to which they belong. Only the administrator will be able to modify it, until the author is added again to the playlist. Can the owner be removed from a playlist? As long as an author is the owner of a collaborative playlist, he/she cannot be removed (his/her checkbox is disabled). In order to remove him/her, an administrator must transfer the ownership tag to another author of the playlist. If I am an author in a collaborative playlist, can I edit other authors' publications? The authors of a collaborative playlist can only edit and delete their own posts. In order to edit the publications of other authors it is necessary to be an administrator or the owner of the playlist. If I am the owner of a collaborative playlist, will I see other authors' publications in My publications? All the authors of the collaborative playlist will be able to see it in the section My playlists, but in My publications they will only see the ones they have created. The publications of other authors will not appear here, even if the user is the owner of the playlist. Can any author edit or delete a collaborative playlist? Any author of a collaborative playlist can edit the cover photo, name, description, tags, languages and RSS feed. He/she can also edit the visibility and catalogs if he/she has the necessary permissions. But only the administrator and the owner can delete the playlist.