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Share Glossary

Modified on: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 12:42 PM

Here is a list of the most common terms used in Share, and in articles describing their use:

Administrator Role with full editing and creation permissions
Aministration space Interface with application administration functions, with role-controlled access
Article Name of a publication in which the user creates a content with body
Assign In managed by administrator playlists, which users or groups can find it
Author Role with permissions to create playlists and publications, limited according to visibilities and companies
Catalogue Grouping that links companies with authors
Comments Option in the publication to add public comments that can be seen by other users with access to it
Company Organizational subdivision. In Global Admin they are modeled as groups with the established organization property
Dashboard Usage metrics dashboard, with access controlled by roles
Discover Space where the playlists to which the user has visibility to subscribe are displayed
Follow / Follower Users can view authors and start following them for quick access to their profiles
Group Non-exclusive groupings of Global Admin users
Group Administrator User property indicating that he is the administrator of the companies in which he is included
Link Name of a publication which is a link to an external site
Manage visibility In managed by administrator playlists, select the users and groups that can find it
Managed by administrator Concerning the visibility of a playlist, the administrator defines who can find it and see its publications
Messages Authors and administrators space where private messages that other users have sent in relation to a publication are displayed
Multi-organization Customer property indicating that it is organized in sub-companies
New Space where the publications of the playlists to which the user is a subscriber are displayed
Notifications Space where the alerts received about answers to commentsaccess requests... are displayed
Only for me / Only for author Concerning the visibility of a playlist, only the author and the administrator will be able to find it
Playlist Grouping of publications
Private Tag displayed on playlists that requires approval to distinguish them from others
Public Concerning the visibility of a playlist, all users can find it and view its contents
Publication Generic name for authors' creations
Request access User request to be able to view a playlist that requires approval
Requests Author and administrator space where users' requests for access to playlists that requires approval are displayed, and where they can accept or reject them
Requires approval Concerning the visibility of a playlist, users can find it and request access, but they will not see its content until the author accepts the request
Saved for later Users' space where they can see the publications they have marked with See later
See later Option for users to save publications so that they appear in the Saved for later section
Subscribe / Subscriber Users can subscribe to a playlist to view your publications in New
Tag Terms that can be associated with playlists to indicate their content
Topic Set of playlists containing a specific tag
User Role with access permissions, limited according to visibilities and companies
User space Main interface where you can see playlists, publications, topics and authors
Visibility Set of users who can find a playlist and its publications
Write to author Option in the publications to send a private message to the author about the publication
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