Set badges as requirements
The Pathway editor allows you to set a badge as a requirement, not just courses as before. Thanks to it, you can block the progress of a user in the path until he achieves that badge, within the same path or in other training content.

To do this, click on the three-point menu of the course you want to block, and select the Manage requirements option.

In the pop-up window click the Select badge button and look for the one you want from the list of all the badges available in the instance.

Select one or several badges and click the Select button. Back in the requirements window, click the Save button to set the new requirements.

If you hover the mouse pointer over the padlock icon, you will see more info on the required badges and courses. The same happens in the LMS if you click on the locked courses icon.

Remember, the badge does not have to be obtained within the same pathway, it can belong to other training contents.
This option is also available in the Learning Programs to block access to pathways.