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Customed reports

Modified on: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 4:14 PM

The creation and management of academic results reports is a fundamental part of the work of training administrators. These reports handle a large amount of data and variants that often make it necessary to customize them, narrowing down the results and categories. Recurring access to these customized reports requires a space where you can save your own templates, with the groups of users and training courses you want to analyze, so that it is not necessary to recreate them from scratch each time you access the LMS.

This tool is called Report templates, and is located in the Reports section. It requires prior activation, if you are interested please contact your Learning Success Manager or sales contact.

It is accessible both for administrators, who will be able to see all existing templates, and for group administrators, who will only see those created by themselves. To generate a new report template click the New template button at the top.

In the side window select the type of report you want to create. For this example we are going to create a Progress - Course report, which is equivalent to the one generated in the User section by selecting different filters.

In the first step give a Name to the template, and a brief Description of its contents. Click Continue at the top right.

On the next page you can start to parameterize the report by selecting which users you are going to add (report rows). You can choose:

  • All users of the instance
  • a Custom selection, if you click on Open filters a side window displays the fields of the user tab in Global Admin, to select the criteria you want. The added filters are displayed as labels that can be removed by clicking on the X

At the bottom you can select the User information fields that the report will show (report columns), you can edit them by checking or unchecking the box. Click Continue.

Here you will select which courses will be reflected in this report (report rows). Again, you can include All or make a Custom selection by clicking on Open filters, where you can select from the extended fields present in the LMS Admin.

In case the selected course belongs to a pathway or learning program, the results of that training will also be reflected in the report.

In the middle section you can select the Course information fields that the report will show (report columns) by checking the corresponding boxes.

And in the lower part you have the option to break down the information by Training. If you check this option, the courses that have several trainings will appear in several entries, each of them reflecting the results in each training. If you uncheck it, the results of all the trainings will be grouped together. Click Continue.

The last screen is a Summary of all the criteria you have selected, to review them before proceeding to create the template. If you want to modify any option click < Back. If everything is correct you can click on Save to simply save the template, or Save and generate report to also create a new progress report from that template.

Once your template is created, if you want to generate a new report, simply go back to the Report templates section, click on the three dots and select the Generate report option. As usual, the processing time will vary depending on the amount of information involved. When it is ready you can download it from the History section, just like the rest of the reports.

Once the template is created, the Edit option allows you to change the name and description but you cannot change the parameters (users, courses). To enter new parameters you will have to create a new template.

Remember that, due to the volume of data and queries received from the different instances, the platform carries out the update of the reports daily, and it is done at 00:00 UTC. This means that the reports you generate do not show the results at the moment but until the last update, the data of the students who have participated during the day will not be reflected until the next day.

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