Paris template
Basic features
This template is designed to create responsive training content, which adapts to any device (PC, tablet or mobile) and allows you to create units with pages of variable length. With Paris you can create content of a single page, oriented to micro-learning, or longer content, with several pages. It is a template with a very modern and minimalist design, designed to easily adapt to any content and training need. It has more than 70 different sections that will allow you to compose your pages as you want.

General navigation elements
This template features navigation between pages using forward and backward buttons located at the bottom of the page. It also has a top menu for a quick access to the unit's pages.

In case it is a single page unit, the menu button would not be necessary. Therefore, the section with top bar can be replaced by another one. To do this:
- Remove the top menu section.

- Select the header section without menu.

It also has a button to close the unit and a button to change the language unit (multi-language units).
Remember: the multi-language button will only be visible to the student when the unit is multi-language, so you don't need to delete it during the editing process.

When the student opens a unit created with the Paris template, a popup is displayed by default reminding the student of the importance of using the button to close the unit.

Remember: if you don't want this notice to appear, you can remove it:
- Access the events of the unit and delete the event created to display this popup when starting the unit.
- Remove the popup.
In addition, after going through all the contents, a final closing page can be added with two possible messages, success or error, depending on whether or not all the objectives defined for the unit have been completed.

Remember: if you don't want this closing page to appear, you can remove it by going to the list of pages on the unit. Find the CLOSING PAGE and delete it.
Unit creation process
The most relevant thing about this template is that its assembly is based on adding sections to the pages. Therefore, there are very few types of pages but there is a wide variety of sections available.
This template offers only four types of pages:
- Cover page
- Main page (generic). This is the most important page, since from this page template you will create all the other pages of the unit. Its content can grow vertically by adding new sections.
- Quiz page, it is a page with an evaluable questionnaire , in which you can add all the questions you need.
- Closing page. Final feedback page for the unit, indicating whether the student has completed all the objectives or still has some work to do. This page is optional.

As for the popups, you can add:
- Popups with text and image
- Popups with videos
- Popups with questions. They will be very useful if you want to create an interactive video through events.
- Closing notification. This is the popup displayed when starting the unit. By default it is already added, but if you delete it, you can add it again.
- Confirm exit. This popup appears when the Exit Unit button is pressed. By default it is already added, but if you delete it, you can add it again.
- End warning. This popup can be used to replace the closing page, creating an event to appear when the content is completed.
- Language selector. If you create a multi-language unit, you will need to configure this popup to incorporate all available languages and make it easier for the student to change languages.

After adding the necessary pages and popups in the unit...
Users with Easy author license will be able to:
- Modify the content (replace texts, replace images, configure questions, configure menus and galleries...).
- Add markers and areas to images.
- Add new predefined sections.

Adding sections will be the most relevant action as this template is based on adding new sections to grow the content. There are more than 70 types of sections available:
- Sections for the cover page and for a chapter section.

- Sections to replace the unit header, with or without menu button:

- Sections for adding new languages in the language pop-up.

- Sections to indicate whether the unit's objectives have been completed or not. By default, these sections are added to the "Closing page" and the "End warning" popup, but if they are removed, they can be retrieved here.

- Sections for adding texts and quotes.

- Combinations of text and image.

- Images, single or multiple in a row.
- If you want to make an interactive image with areas or markers, you can add a section with an instruction.

- Sections with graphics. In the properties of each graphic you can configure the filling data.

- Combinations with flippable images.
- A section with instruction to indicate that the image is interactive.

- Sections with audio and video.

- Image galleries, accordion menus and tab menus.

- Sections with one, two, three or four buttons.

- Section to add an evaluable quizz.

- Sections with reinforcement questions. They admit only one question and are not evaluable.

Users with a Professional author license will be able to:
- Add and modify rows and columns.
- Add new components within the columns.
- Remove existing components in any section.

Menu settings
By default, the template has a quick access menu to the pages of the unit, and shows all the pages added.
Therefore, it will be important that you modify the name of the pages so that they are displayed correctly in the menu.

If you want, you can hide pages from the menu. This will allow you, for example, to give access only to the first page of the different sections you create in the unit. To do so, you must:
- Enter the page management area and click "Edit menu".

- Select the menu in the side area indicated in the image, and in the properties area can click on the eye-shaped icon of each page. This will cause the page to be hidden in the menu.