View projects
Author main view
When entering Author we access the main project view, where we will see the projects to which we have access.
In this view we have:
- Access to the list of projects
- Access to the list of all units created in Author.
- Access to the list of all publications made in Author. (See here for more information)
- List of users who have roles and/or permissions in Author(solo available to administrators)
- Access to instance reports. (See here for more information)
Search engine. (See here for more information)
Archived projects. (See here for more information)
Configuration of Author.
Notifications. It will allow you to view the relevant notifications, for example, published units. More info.
User management. It allows you to modify your personal data, access notices, the user manual and other options.
Sort projects by name.
View in list mode of the projects.
A complete list of all projects that the user has access to. They can be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical order.
- Button to create new projects. (See here for more information)

Project view
When you enter a project you can:
- Return to the Author home page.
Mark the project as favorite.
- Additional project management options. From here you can edit, modify, manage your permissions...).
Search engine within the project.
- List of archived contentsof the project.
Project information.
- Access the list of folders and units of the project.
- Access the list of publications of the project. (See here for more information).
Project team members, that is, all users who have permissions to access and work on the project.
Project folders. In addition to indicating the name of the folder, it shows the number of units inside it.
Units stored in the project.
Sort content using various criteria (alphabetical order, type, code, etc.).
- Switch the view in list mode or grid mode.
Filters. Allows you to locate content using filters (code, name, tags, template, etc.)
Create items within the project (folders or units).