Roles and access in LMS Admin
In LMS Admin there are up to 6 different types of roles, destined to perform different tasks in the platform. That is why each one has different access permissions to the functionalities. Depending on the type of role assigned to your user, you will have access to some or other tools, and therefore the portal interface will change.
This article reviews the different existing roles, and what accesses each one has.
Administrator is the role with the most control over the instance, the one who has access to all possible functionalities, with powers to manage and modify any section. He can create content, trainings, check reports, manage rewards and set configuration parameters. It includes all the permissions of the rest of the roles, besides having other particular ones.

Therefore the Administrator has access to all sections of the portal:
- Contents, to create Courses, Events, Pathways and Learning Programs
- Trainings, to enroll users in those contents and follow their progress
- Users, to check the progress and reward all the users of the platform
- Reports, to generate and download the different types of available reports
- Medals, to create new badges and edit existing ones
- Gamification, to check user rankings and award points
- Settings, to configure the parameters of the platform
Group Administrator
Group Administrator, unlike the Administrator, has much more limited functions as a manager. To begin with, as the name suggests, he only has control over a group of users, assigned by the Administrator. In addition to this, the Group Administrator does not participate in the creation of content, he is only involved in the management part of the training: to enroll students and follow their progress.

Therefore the Group Administrator:
- Does not have access to the portal Settings
- Has full access to the Trainings and Reports sections
- Has partial access to the Content, Users, Medals and Gamification sections only for viewing, can check but not create or edit
This means that the Group Administrator cannot award badges or points to users, and cannot create or edit medals.
The Group Administrator can see the Trainings which have the groups that he manages, or the users that belong to them, directly enrolled. Which means, those in which the inscription was made:
- Individually, with any user belonging to the groups he administers
- By group, with any of the groups he administers
- By CSV, with any user belonging to the groups he administers
If the user was enrolled through a group not managed by the Group Administrator, he will not have access to the Training. In other words, even if the enrolled group shares users with the one he manages, he will not see the Training until one of the above conditions is met.
Author is a role designed exclusively to generate content. Its task is very limited: the creation and edition of Courses, Events, Pathways and Learning Programs for training, and Medals for gamification. In addition, he has a special aspect: can only view the contents created by himself and those in his catalogs.

Therefore the Author only has access to:
Contents, those created by him, and by other authors included in any of the catalogs he was added to.
Medals, in this case he can see and modify all the badges of the instance, even those created by others
Validator is a complement to the Author role in content management, but not in content creation. He only reviews the created contents and publishes or unpublishes them. As the Group Administrator, he only has access to the content of the group to which he belongs.

Therefore, the Validator only has access to the Contents and in a limited way: to access a preview of the Courses, Events, Pathways and Learning Programs, and to be able to publish or unpublish them.
The work of a Trainer is similar to that of a professor in charge of a training or group of students. An Administrator or Group Administrator assigns him a series of Trainings so that he can check the enrolled students, their academic progress and generate reports for all types of content.

Therefore the Trainer only has access to the Trainings and Reports sections, and only in viewing mode. This means, he can view the enrolled students, check their progress, comments and ratings, and generate reports. But he cannot enroll students, edit the Trainings or access the Content.
Inspector is a specific role created for supervision tasks. It is a user with access to all features, like the Administrator, but only in read mode. He can review all the data on content, progress of the trainings... but cannot create or modify anything. It is a useful tool, for example, to ease the work of FUNDAE's inspectors.

Therefore the Inspector has access to all sections except Settings. But he can only generate and download Reports, all other editing options are disabled.
User role is equivalent to a student, the one who consumes the content of the platform. For this reason, they do not have access to the LMS Admin, only to the LMS.
However, the same user can combine several roles, and the permissions he will have result from the combination of all of them. So, if an Author or Group Administrator is also given the User role, he will have access to both portals (in LMS Admin with the permissions and limitations of his initial role).
More info on LMS roles: