Learning Programs in LMS Admin: Trainings
Once you have created and published your Learning Program from the Contents section of the LMS Admin, the next step is to create one or more Trainings from it. Through them you can check the progress of the users in the Learning Program in general, and in each pathway in particular.
Remember that in order to open the training, the status of the Learning Program must be Published, as it happens with the Courses and Pathways. If it has not been published yet, or is unpublished, it will not appear in the list of Learning Programs available for a training.
Where to create a Training for a Learning Program
To open the training, access the LMS Admin and go to the Trainings section. There you will see a new section called Learning Programs.

It shows the same interface as the rest of the trainings, you can see a list of the trainings already created, with some columns that show you the related information:
Status, it can be Open, Closed or Planned (an upcoming start date).
Dates in which it takes place.
- Last Modification date.
- The box with the eye icon shows a Preview of the training information.
- The three-dot menu with the Options:
- Edit Details.
Open or Close the training, not available if Planned.
Delete the training, only available if the training is Open.
You can also use the Search box, Open filters of content, the possibility to create a New view and apply Mass Actions. For more information on these tools check the List View article.
How to create a Training for a Learning Program
To create a training, click on the New training button at the top of the list.

A side window is displayed to enter the Training details:
Training name.
Learning Program on which you want to create the training. Clicking on the box opens a side window with a list of all the Learning Programs. You can filter the list by entering keywords in the Search box in the upper corner. Or reorder the list by Name, Status or Modification date by clicking on the header of these columns. Select a Learning Program by checking the flag on the left and click on Save.
Trainers, you can use this option to assign users with trainer role.
Dates, the start date is mandatory, although it can be for later (Planned status). If no end date is selected, the training will remain open until you close it.
Public training to show the training to all users in your LMS, with the option to enroll.
Microsoft Teams to integrate the Learning Program with this communication app. When creating the training, a new chat room will also be created in MS Teams, which will be automatically joined by all the users enrolled in the training, through the email address associated to the LMS account.
Reviews to allow the user to rate the content from 1 to 5 and leave a comment after completing the training.
Comments to allow the user to leave comments on the activities, and see what other users have written.
Ranking to create a ranking with the particular scores of the users in the Learning Program.
Permanent access to content to allow the user to go back to the content once the training has been completed.
Click on Save to create the new training and it will be displayed at the top of the list. To edit, change the status or delete it, click on the three dots menu on the right and select one of the Options.

Unlike the courses and pathways, you do not have the option to add a Learning Program to the Featured carousel because the Learning Program is already shown in an independent carousel in a highlighted way.
How to Enroll users to a Learning Program
Once the training has been created, click on it to access the content tree.

Here you can see at a glance the list of all contents in the Learning Program, both pathways and courses. They are shown as a tree on the left side, and in the central area you can see the training content, with the training in detail and the progress data of the users. When entering the page, the Learning Program training is shown, clicking on any of the sections of the tree you can see the data of each pathway or course in particular. There are also several tools:
- The training title in the left corner, next to its status: Open, Planned or Closed.
- The Enrollment button that takes you to the Student enrollments page. Here you can manage the list of users in the same way as in the rest of the contents. If the training is Closed, the list of enrolled users cannot be modified, so the Enrollment button is not shown.
- The Options menu, which allows you to edit the Details of the training or Delete it (only if it is Open).
- The title of the content together with a shortcut to See the learning program.
- The Structure tab, where you can see the pathways of the Learning Program and the number of students who have Completed them, those who are In Progress, and those who have Not started the training yet.
- The Progress tab, where you can see the list of users enrolled in the training. And how many Pathways they have completed; the Status of their training: Not started, In Progress or Completed; and the last date on which there were changes in their progress (Last modification), remember that progress reports are generated every 24 hours.
Clicking on any of the contents of the tree shows the data of that pathway or course. The interface is the same you can see when creating a course or pathway training separately.