Importing diplomas from Author
LMS certificates allow you to award the student with a diploma on completing a training content. So far you could only use default certificates from the platform, or ask the Netex team for a custom design. But now you are able to create your own certificates in Author tool and assign them to a course, pathway or learning program in the LMS. Taking control of the certificate design also allows you to apply any changes you want and make the new designs available immediately.
Find out how to create and edit certificates to use in LMS in the article Diplomas.

Assigning a certificate in LMS Admin
Certificates allow you to select directly in LMS the diplomas you have generated in Author, no need to import them. To do this, go to LMS Admin and create a new training, or edit an existing one. In the Details tab, click on the Select certificate button, there are two options:

Classic certificates: those available up to now, clicking on this option displays a side window with them: default certificates in several languages, and those created by the Netex team specifically for the tenant.
Author certificates: those created in Author. Here you can access all the certificates created by any author within your tenant. In the side window you can see the title of the diploma, the author who created it and the selected version.

Version selector
Every time you edit an existing diploma in Author, a new version is saved. This way, when selecting the certificate in LMS you can choose which version to use. This allow you to:
- edit certificates already in use so the changes don't affect existing trainings
- assign new versions of the certificate to existing trainings immediately.
In the selector you can see the version number, editing date and the author who made changes.
If you have not yet created any diploma in Author, the option Author certificates will not be available, and the Select certificate button will directly display the classic certificates window.
Downloading a certificate in LMS
Once you have completed the training, you can download the certificate by logging into LMS and going to the Learning Records section. Here you will see all the training you have completed, divided into tabs according to the type of content. If it has a certificate assigned to it, you will see a button on the right side:

- The first time you access it, use the Generate certificate button to create your certificate from the template the training has assigned to it. Click on it and the message The certificate is being generated will display, the process may take a few moments.
- When the process is completed, the message The certificate has been generated displays and the button changes to Open certificate, you can click on it to view and download it.
The certificate is generated only once, when the student downloads it the first time. It does not change even if a new version is assigned to the training, the student keeps downloading the certificate generated from the previous version.
If the student completes the training but does not generate the certificate: if the version of the certificate changes before it is generated for the first time, the new version is used.
In other words, changing the version of a certificate affects new students who complete the training, and those who have already completed the training but have not yet generated the certificate.
The date when the student generates the certificate for the first time is automatically stored, so that the administrator users, trainers or inspectors can later check it in the Progress report.