Author Legacy (v5.x): Berlin
Initial setup | Downloadable PDF of the unit
It is possible to add a PDF file including all contents of a multimedia unit. Once added, a direct access to the PDF appears within the unit resources. In order to create this PDF, follow these steps: Click on the Interface. Access the "Add content" tab". Click on "PDF link". Access the "Properties" tab and adjust setting properties. PROPERTY DESCRIPTIÓN Title Title of the button appearing on the Toolbar. It is the text that will be shown when placing the cursor over the icon. Name PDF file name. Remember This PDF document will be created once the unit has been published You will be able to access it: From the Unit resources folder. After downloading a published unit, unzipping it, and executing its index.html If you change any part of content within a unit, you will need to publish the unit again to see this information updated in the PDF file.
Initial setup | Free or sequential navigation
We can choose two types of navigation to study contents inside a unit: Free navigation: Students can access any page and/or screen. Sequential navigation: Students navigate unit contents in order, and sections are unlocked once previous sections have been viewed. 1. Access the "Properties" project and enter the "Navigation" tab. 2. Select "Free" or "Sequential" navigation. 3. If you select "Sequential" navigation, you can also mark "Requires achieving objectives to unlock new content". If there are preset goals to pass the unit (See here), Next button will not be enabled until these goals are achieved (screen by screen). So, this way we will make sure users achieve all preset goals. 4. Click on "Save" changes.
Initial setup | Set up unit goals
Goals are actions that students need to perform to complete a unit. Berlin template allows choosing Interaction with any component as a goal. For example, we could decide students need to visit all unit pages, view all unit videos, or pass all the quizzes… Students must complete all the objectives set at 100%. If viewing unit videos is a goal, all videos must be watched (except for specific videos where we choose not to apply this goal). Be default, Berlin template asks students to complete one goal so that a unit is marked as completed in the LMS: Visit all pages included in the unit. There is no need to complete them (Scrolling down until the end is enough). You adjusted and customised all the other goals. Remember Goals and navigation set up are two different things. We can set up any goals and choose free/sequential navigation (See here). So, we could have a content whose goal is "Visit all the screens, but with free navigation". Students will not have to visit screens in order but will be required to visit all of them. General set up 1. Access the project "Properties" and enter the "Goals" tab. 2. There are different template components organised in categories, and you will be able to choose an option to apply for each component. Section category.Pages can be set up as goals or not. We can choose between: Visit: This goal will be achieved once students have entered pages/screens. Scroll to bottom: This goal will be achieved once students have scroll down inside all pages/screens. Activity category.Quizzes can be marked as goals. There are the following options: Non objective: Default option. Students do not have to interact with this component. Submit: Students must answer at least one of the questions in the quiz or reinforcement activity. They do not need to give the right answer, just answer the question. Pass or complete: Students will be required to pass the mastery score of the quiz or reinforcement activity or expire available attempts. Multimedia category.This category groups video and audio. Available options are: Non objective: Default option. Students do not have to interact with this component. Play: It will be required to start to play audios/videos, but it will not be necessary to view them entirely. Complete: It will be required to play audios/videos until the end. Organizer category.It includes components like click map, image gallery, accordion and tabs group. Available options are: Non objective: Default option. Students do not need to interact with this component. Interact: Students will be required to interact and perform actions with the component (If it is a click map, click on one of its active areas; if it is an image gallery, move across images, etc. Complete: Students will be required to complete the component, that is, accessing all its areas (click maps); visiting all images (image galleries), etc. Image category.This section includes components like hidden block, images, before/after and image exchanger. Available options are: Non objective: Default option. Students do not need to interact with this component. Interact: It will be required to interact with the component. Click on the launcher, move across the before/after component, etc. Regarding images, we will just need to click on those that include a link. 3. After selecting the goals, we click on "Save". Modify goals of a specific component Imagine you have marked Play unit videos as a goal. This means you will be required to view all videos included in the unit. However, Berlin template allows customising this behaviour. So, you could decide that you must view all videos or, at least, one of them. Proceed as follows: 1. Enter the Editing area and select the component you want to modify. 2. Default value for "Overcome goal" property is "inherited". This means a general parameter will be applied to the project properties. When you click to drop-down the menu options, you will be able to choose another option available to set the goals. So, you could choose to apply "non objective". Show the list of objectives to the students If the unit has been configured with sequential navigation and with mandatory objectives, the page advance button will be blocked and, if pressed on it, a popup will appear indicating what the student must do to be able to advance. But if the navigation is free, the student will be able to access any page freely, without receiving specific notices of the objectives to be performed. For this reason you can activate the button "Objectives of the unit" located in the interface, To activate it, you must: 1. Access the interface properties. 2. Mark the property "Show objectives" to "Yes".
Initial setup | Multi-language
When a unit has been edited in several languages, we have an icon in the Toolbar that allows us to choose in which language we want to consult it. The icon will appear automatically, without any additional configuration, when we create a new language on the unit. Check here how to add languages to your units.
Pages, sections, and popups | Pages
Create a page To create a page, we need to follow these steps: Access "Pages" menu and click on "Manage pages". Click on "Add"and select a type of page: Cover. Content page. There are three types of content screens. Empty page. The page created by default does not have any type of screen assigned. Set up a Cover After creating a page, we should configure its properties, so we select the page from the breadcrumb trail and enter the properties tab. "Page Title" is the most important property that we should set up. "View" is another important property where we will choose one of these types of covers: Cover with blocks: This option shows a cover with initial goals and an introduction on the same screen. Cover with title on the left: It is a more traditional cover, including a title and an image only. Additionally, we can set up other properties of the cover: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Index number Page or section numeration. This property is only used when "Numeration type" property is set to "Manual" from the Interface (See here ). Page title It will appear on the upper Interface and Main menu of the unit. Subtitle This text complements the title that will be shown on the Main menu. View This property allows selecting two cover types. Logo (220x146) The logo is enabled when choosing "Cover with title on the left" as cover type. It is possible to add an image or logo to the cover. Header image This is the main image of the cover. Background image for mobile devices The logo is enabled when choosing "Cover with title on the left" as cover type. This property allows configuring an image what will only be shown on devices whose resolution is less that 700px wide. If the resolution is lower than that, the background image is not shown on the right side of the title, but above the title. This means having one image size for big screens (PC) and another size for small screen devices (tablets of Smartphones) can be an interesting choice. Background colour The logo is enabled when choosing "Cover with blocks" as cover type. It is possible to select the background colour of the unit title. After configuring cover properties, we should use the text editor to write the titles and other texts of the cover. Set up a Content page Configuring a content page is very similar to setting up a cover, but: "View" property is not used. "Header image" property adds an image (explanatory graphic) to the upper area of the screen.
Pages, sections, and popups | Section
Sections are graphical divisions that we can add within pages. For instance, we can apply background colours and images to separate contents within the same page graphically. These sections are essential, as all the components are added within them. Moreover, pages must contain at least one section. Add new sections In order to add a section, we just need to select the page, access the "Add content" tab and click on "Section". Otra forma de añadirlo es seleccionar otra sección ya existente, acceder a la pestaña "Añadir contenido", situarnos en "Insertar después" y pulsar "Sección". Set up a section In order to set up a section, we select the section and access the "Properties" tab. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Show title We can use it to show/hide a section title. This title is "pasted" on the upper area. If preferred, we can use other types of titles, like the screen title (See Section 3.1. ) or a simple edited text. Primary colour of the screen We can customise the background colour of the central column of the screen. This is the area of the page where contents like texts and images are displayed. Secondary colour of the screen Its use is combined with "Type of column background" property. Type of column background This property allows changing the background style of the central column of the screen. Its use is combined with primary and secondary colours of the screen. Solid. Colour assigned in "Primary colour of the screen" is applied. Lineal. A gradient colour combination is applied when combining the "Primary colour of the screen" with the "Secondary colour of the screen". Bicolour. Both colours are applied, one above the other. We can use the property called "Gradient colour (percentage)" to decide the space that the "Primary colour of the screen" will occupy. If we choose 50, that means 50% primary colour and 50% secondary colour; 90 means 90% primary colour and 10% secondary colour. Gradient colour (percentage) If "Bicolour" option is chosen, gradient colour option is applied combined with "Type of column background". This gradient colour control allows adjusting primary colour percentage. Screen background colour This is the background colour used for the section. It will be shown on the sides of the central column of contents. Screen background image This property allows adding a background image for the section. Type of background This option is related to "Screen background image" property. We can: Repeat background. Background image will keep its original size and will be repeated as many times as necessary until it covers the available space. It is very useful to apply links and models. Do not repeat background. The image used as a background will be resized to adjust itself and cover all the available space. When using this option, it is highly recommended to use a high-resolution, big image. Width Allows you to decide the width of the central column, selecting between different parameters: XS has a maximum size of 480px S has a maximum size of 640px M has a maximum size of 740px (default size) L has a maximum size of 980px XL has a maximum size of 1024px XXL has a maximum size of 1280px XXXL has a maximum size of 1920px Full: occupies the entire width of the screen
Pages, sections, and popups | Popups
A pop-up is a type of content that opens as a pop-up window. Check how these pop-ups are created and linked here. We can add almost any type of component to a pop-up message from a template. A similar procedure is used when configuring sections. There are specific properties available to configure pop-up layout: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Style This property allows changing the type of pop-up: Simple. It has a normal appearance. It allows adding any component within it. (See here ) Image. Pop-up designed to show images inside it. Gallery. Pop-up designed to include an image gallery (See here ) Title It is used to identify the pop-up. It will be used to create a link to a pop-up. This is the title that will be shown in the pop-up selection menu (See here in the Author's Guide) and the title we will see when linking the pop-up to one of the unit resources (See here). Maximum width We can configure the maximum width (in px) of the pop-up displayed on the screen. Printable We can decide if we want to make the pop-up appear inside the printable PDF of the unit (See here to know how to do this).
Pages, sections and popups | Tooltips
A tooltip is content that opens in a floating window, similar to a popup, but is displayed in a smaller box. To add it you access the "Manage popups" area and add the type "tooltip". Texts, images and audios can be added inside a tooltip. Among its properties you can configure: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Representative title of the tooltip. It will be necessary to identify them when linking it Maximum width Allows you to customize the maximum width, depending on your content. Indicated in px. Automatic audio playback If you add an audio, you can decide whether to start playback automatically. You can link a tootip to: A text An area of a click map.
Components | Headline
"Headline" component can be added inside any section (See here). We can add as many headlines as we need. This headline includes a text and an accompanying image. After adding the headline to the screen: When clicking on the screen headline, a text editor menu is enabled to add contents. Read here of the Author's Guide to know how to use all these functions. Then, access the "Properties" tab to configure at least an image or icon representing this headline. Properties PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Style We can apply two different styles: Standard. Highlight. It is the specific type of headline used for highlighting. Resource Image accompanying the text of the headline. The image applied should be small, not more than 70 x 70px. Separation to contents This property is used to define the separation space between the headline and the contents appearing after it. A 60px-separation is applied by default, but we can increase or reduce it.
Components | Text
Texts are added within the screens (See here), but they can also be included inside other components (Highlight, an Accordion, a Row, etc.) This component is included in the group of "Text" components. Setup process Whenever you add a text, a text editor menu is enabled. Read here of the Author's Guide to know how to use all these functions. Additionally, we can access the "Properties" tab and choose those we would like to set up. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Indent It allows indenting the first line of each paragraph. List style It allows setting up the style of numbered lists: Normal: The numbers of the list are shown as normal text, without any specific format. Bold: Numbers are shown in bold. Italic: Numbers are shown in bold and italics. Colour list We can change the colour applied to bullet points included in texts. Width This property allows changing the text space inside a central column of contents. This text occupies 100% of the space by default. Text size can be reduced to other preset percentages or can be displayed in full-size. Align This property allows placing the component on the right, on the left or on the centre of the central column where contents are shown. It can only be used when applied "Width" is less than 100%.