What are Certificates?
These are diplomas that allow to accredit the student's progress in the training. Through LMS Admin you can assign a certificate template to any Training. Once the user successfully completes it, he can download a copy of the custom certificate with his data and the course information: subject matter, dates of completion... from LMS.

Then, as administrator you can know which users have downloaded the certificate by checking the Progress report. You can even download a copy of each certificate generated.
Depending on the instance you will have a series of default templates, or you can generate your own templates through Author.
How to activate the Certificates feature?
This feature is not available by default in the instances, you must request its activation beforehand. To do so, please contact your Learning Consultant or KAM, or access the Support page and request a Task ticket.
Assign a certificate to a training
Each certificate is directly associated to a training session (course, pathway or learning program). This means that each training can have only one certificate, but the same training can have different certificates, as many as the number of trainings it has.
Once you have activated the feature for your instance, any user with the role of administrator or group administrator can assign a certificate to a new or previously created training. Enter the LMS Admin and in the Trainings section select the type of training you want. Click on the New training button to create it.

Or look for an existing one and select the Details option in the three dots menu on the right.

The Training details menu opens, in the Main data section at the top click on the Select certificate button which displays two options:

Classic certificates: those provided by the instance itself, clicking on this option displays a side window with the list to select the one you want. These are the default certificates in several languages, and those created by the Netex team specifically for the instance.
Author Certificates: those created in Author. Here you have access to all the certificates created by any author within your instance. See these articles to learn how to create certificates in Author and how to import them to the LMS.
Download a certificate as a student
Once you have associated the certificate with the training, and learners have successfully completed it, they can download their accreditation certificate at any time through the LMS. To do so, click on the Profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

This opens the side menu with the different sections, select the Learning records section.

Here the student can check the list of all the trainings in which he has participated and his progress. If the training awards a certificate, on the right side you will see a link to:
Generate certificate, if you are downloading it for the first time.
Open certificate, if you have downloaded it before.

How do I know if the student has downloaded the certificate?
As administrator you can check if a student has downloaded the certificate of a course and when he has done it.
To know this you need to generate a Progress report. This is a downloadable CSV file with a whole series of data about the training: users, progress, dates... One of these fields in particular records the date of download of the certificate by the student.
To generate a Progress report you have to enter the course training and go to the Summary course progress tab.

Click the Export button at the top of the list and select the Progress report option. As confirmation a message is displayed warning that the report is being generated, the time required will depend on the volume of the training. Go to the Reports section and click on the History section.

Your report request is listed in the first few rows, if the status is Done you can proceed to download it by clicking on the cloud icon on the right hand side. Open the resulting CSV file and in the list of fields look for Certificate download date, which will tell you the date on which the student first downloaded the certificate.

REMEMBER, due to the volume of data and queries received from the different instances, it is necessary for the platform to update its reports on a daily basis. This means that the reports you check do not show the academic results updated at the moment, but in the previous 24 hours. The cut-off time at which the process of updating the reports starts is 00:00 UTC. To know more about this process check this article.
Download a certificate as an administrator
As administrator you can also download a copy of the generated certificate, and even delete it and generate it again, which will be useful if you have changed the template. To find out how to do this check this article.