Download and manage certificates as administrator
Certificates are diplomas that certify that the student has successfully completed the training. They can be generated in Author, and are assigned directly to the training of a course or pathway. When the student succeeds, he can download the certificate from Learning Records section in his portal. But training administrators can also generate and download these certificates from the LMS Admin.
This feature is available for users with the role of administrator, or group administrator.
To do this, go to the Users section, find the profile in the list and click on it.

On the Learning progress page, look for the training to which the certificate belongs and click on the three dots on the right.

A menu opens with the options Generate certificate, Download certificate and Delete certificate which will be enabled or disabled depending on the student's progress:
- If the student has not started the training or is still in progress, the three options are disabled (there's no certificate)
- If the student has completed the course but has not yet generated the certificate from his portal, the option for the administrator to generate the certificate is enabled
- If the student or the administrator has already generated the certificate, the option to download or delete it are enabled
Clicking on Generate certificate, a notification will warn you that the system is processing it, you must wait a few moments. When the certificate is generated a new notification is shown and the download option is enabled.
Clicking on Download certificate you can save it in your computer, in PDF format.
The Delete certificate option allows you to erase the generated certificate (reset it) in order to generate it again. This option is useful, for example, if you changed the certificate template and you want the student to download the new version
Download is done individually, one by one, it is not possible to download certificates in bulk.